Let’s Talk Business with Stephanie A. Wynn

Who To Pitch & Why To Pitch Your Book

Episode Summary

During Episode 80 our host Stephanie discuss Who To Pitch & Why To Pitch Your Book. *This episode includes an affiliate link. We only recommend tools we have personally vetted.

Episode Notes



Here are two topics discussed in this episode:  

  1. What’s the purpose and goal for your book?
  2. What is a Pitch?
  3. Why are you pitching your book?

Two author business tip takeaways:

1.Create Targeted Pitch List of the bookstores or libraries.

2. Create a book pitch strategy.

3. Implement your book pitch strategy. 


Do you need author book pitch template? The Ultimate Author Pitch Guide: https://bit.ly/ultimatebookpitchguide

Build Your Author Brand:
I’ve Published My Book Now What? A Simple Guide To Establishing A Successful Author Brand. 


Sign up for the  Jumpstart Your Six Figure Author Brand Strategy


Freebie: 30-Day Author Marketing Calendar


Follow Me on Linkedln: www.linkedin.com/in/stephanieawynn